Terms & Conditions
Healthsolutions.shop is a trading style of Greenwood Home Shopping. This is an important section of the site explaining the terms and conditions you are agreeing to when you use and/or shop from Greenwood Home Shopping GMBH, Florastrasse 17, Zurich, Switzerland, CH 8008.
By placing an order, you agree to and accept these terms and condition. These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.
Web Site Information
Any contract between us, whether for use of the site or in relation to the purchase of products or services through the site will be governed by the laws of England and Wales and all parties submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts. We have tried to ensure that information provided in the Web Site is accurate. However, we make no representation and give no warranty of any kind in respect of the information.
Please ensure that the details provided by you on registration and any other time are correct. You must be over 16 years of age to register.
Product Description
The description and other information about our products on the Web Site is only approximate and we reserve the right to make changes that do not in any way affect the quality or performance of those products.
Availability of the Web Site
Access to the Web Site may at times be restricted to allow for repairs and maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services and we will ensure that full service is restored as quickly as possible.
Web Site Links
Greenwood Home Shopping GMBH site provides links to other internet sites which are not under their control and will not therefore accept responsibility or liability for the material on any such Web Site. If you have business dealings with advertisers found on or through the Web Site, including payment and delivery of goods or services and any contract associated with such dealings are strictly between you and such advertisers. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings, or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on this Web Site.
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time by issuing new terms and conditions on our Web Site.
All graphics, text and designs on this Web Site are the copyright of Greenwood Home Shopping GMBH. Users are permitted to copy or print parts of this site for their own personal, non-commercial use. Use of these materials for any other purpose without Greenwood Group GMBH prior written consent is strictly prohibited. For consent write to Greenwood Home Shopping GMBH, Florastrasse 17, Zurich, Switzerland, CH 8008.
Product Availability
We may withdraw any product from the Web Site without incurring liability. All products, including free gifts are subject to availability. In the event that the product(s) you ordered is out of stock, we will write to let you know. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you still want the product and send it to you once we are back in stock.
Price and Payment
The price you pay for the product(s) will be the price shown on our Web Site at the time we accept your order. The price will include any applicable Value Added Tax. In addition to the cost of the product(s), you will have to pay delivery charges as set out in the Web Site at the time we accept your order. Refunds are generally made by cheque.
Medical Advice
Descriptions of products on the Web Site should not be mistaken for medical advice and the products are not intended to cure conditions or disease. We would encourage you to seek independent medical advice from a professional in this regard.
Any disputes shall be goverened and interpreted by the law of Engand and Wales and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.