...a stiff back? painful knees? tight shoulders? cramp in your arms? and legs and tendons that restrict movement? More than one in 3 people (from all age groups) have muscle or joint problems. After the age of 50, nearly everybody suffers from these problems.
And the older we get, the more seriously they affect our daily life. Joint and muscles problems were a fact of life in ancient Egypt (even mummies bear the marks.) The Egyptians used nature’s treasures to soothe their pains. This is documented in scrolls dating from the 6th century BC found in Luxor and are the first ever pharmacological records!
Over the last 50 years, science has overtaken natural medicine and we have lost much of this ancient wisdom. Now, at last, natural medicine has seen a well deserved revival of interest.
We have found new ingredients and discovered the benefits of combining different ones. Now the time has come to reconcile the contributions of science with the benefits of ancient herbal knowledge and for you to start using Advance7® ARTHRO-MASSAGE as soon as possible! For capsules and spray click here.
Benefits of Advance 7:
Advance 7: Contains Seven Natural Wonders Of The World
1. HARPAGOPHYTUM. (Harpagophytum procumbens)
The best natural pain relief for joints
Also known as Devil’s Claw, this plant comes from the desert areas of South Africa and Namibia. Its roots have been used since the dawn of time to soothe painful and sensitive areas, especially joints. It didn’t reach Europe until the 20th Century. In the 60s, its main ingredients were discovered and isolated into:
These 3 anti-inflammatories are all known for their powerful action, proven in numerous clinical studies. In 1996 ESCOP* also confirmed the ability of this plant to counter pain from osteo-arthritis and tendinitis (1). Used externally for massage, harpagophytum is recommended for soothing painful joints.
*The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy
2. Horsetail. (Equisetum arvense)
The anti-inflammatory plant
The Romans knew about horsetail and used it as an energy-giving food. It is particularly rich in silica(2) This precious race element has an important role in the formation of connective tissue. Horsetail is also recognised as a powerful anti-inflammatory, and is recommended in cases of swollen joints. A test carried out in 2004 confirmed its anti-inflammatory soothing properties(3)
3. Rosemary. (Rosmarinus officinalis)
For soothing painful joints
Arabic doctors knew how to extract essential oils, and they were already using rosemary oil extensively by the year 1000. Rosemary became legendary in Europe in the 14th Century. The story goes that the Queen of Hungary, who was 72 years of age and had chronic rheumatism, got better thanks to an elixir based on rosemary. Today, just as people used to do, we use rosemary in the form of a balm to soothe painful joints. Scientists have seen that rosmarinic acid, one of the main ingredients of rosemary, could reduce the effects of the prostaglandins that are responsible for inflammation (4) . The German E Commission** and ESCOP* recognise the external use of rosemary as an adjuvant for calming rheumatic problems. **Organisation appointed by the German State to evaluate the effectiveness of medicinal plants.
4. Peppermint. (Mentha piperita)
Nature's Icepack
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used Peppermint in ancient Greece for its calming powers. It is used widely in modern treatments, including pharmaceuticals. It cools and relieves pain, thanks to the instant freezing and anti-inflammatory effects of the menthol it contains. The German E Commission** certifies its power to soothe and reduce joint and rheumatic pain.
5. Thyme. (Thymus vulgaris)
A great relaxant
The Thyme used in Advance7® comes from the Mediterranean, and is a well used natural treatment from the South of France. Its medicinal properties have been known for thousands of years. Advance7® uses the properties of Thyme essential oil, which has an incredible reputation for working miracles on tense muscles and cramp. This effect comes from its energising and anti-oxidising action on the muscles.
6. Cajaput. (Melaleuca cajeputti)
Fights muscle fatigue
Aborigines in Australia have always used this plant to release and relax muscles. This remedy has been handed down from generation to generation. Cajeput is almost unknown to the general public, and yet it is one of the key ingredients in the well-known Tiger Balm!
7. Green Clay. (Illite clay)
The earth with 1000 powers
Certain clays have been used for centuries and in all civilisations to alleviate pain. In the 19th Century, German natural medicine pioneers recognised the amazing powers of certain clays. In France, research done by the French Society for Endobiogeny and Medicine (SFEM) has identified the remarkable properties of this ‘miracle earth’. It heals, it cleans, it is an antiseptic, a filter for getting rid of toxins and a pain killer all at the same time. Green clay is recommended by doctors for soothing rheumatic problems(5) .
Powers explained at last by an amazing physical phenomenon: Clay’s amazing ability to absorb liquid is well known and there is nothing that compares to its ability to reduce swelling in joints. But now, at last, we understand the source of all the other health benefits of green clay. Firstly, green clay is made up of a layered structure of aluminium and silica, and this structure holds essential trace elements (calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, etc). Secondly, when green clay comes into contact with the skin, there is an ionic change that passes these healing trace elements through the skin (6).
Bibliography: (1) Grant L, McBean DE, Fyfe L, Warnock AM. A review of the biological and potential therapeutic actions of Harpagophytum procumbens. Phytother Res. 2007 Mar;21(3):199-209. (2) Dr Guy AVRIL, Encyclopédie des thérapies naturelles, p 132-134, ed. Douglas, 2005. (3) Do Monte FH, Dos Santos JG Jr, et al. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of the Hydroalcoholic extract of stems from Equisetum arvense L. in mice. Pharmacol Res. 2004 Mar. 49(3) 239-43. (4) Takaki I, Bersani-Amado LE, Vendruscolo A, Sartoretto SM, Diniz SP, Bersani-Amado CA, Cuman RK. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil in experimental animal models. J Med Food. 2008 Dec;11(4):741-6. (5) ABC de l’argile. Docteur Jean-Christophe Charrié. Editeur Ganger. Pages 108 à 112. (6) Dr Rautureau. Argiles et Santé. Propriétés et thérapies. Ed. Lavoisier.
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